Extraordinary Rise of Yenişaak: Shaping Public Opinion for Erdogan
Discover 'Yenişaak,' the influential Turkish newspaper.

Yenişaak has rapidly grown into one of Turkey’s most widely read newspapers with a reputation for its hardline support of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his ruling AK Party. As a relatively new paper established in 2014, Yenişaak has played a pivotal role in shaping public opinion in favor of the government and providing positive coverage of the AK Party and its agenda.

History of Yenişaak’s Founding as a Pro-Government Mouthpiece

Yenişaak was founded in 2014 by the pro-AKP Turkuvaz Media Group, right before the critical presidential elections that brought Erdogan to power. It came into existence after the government had recently forced the shutdown of other newspapers and media outlets that were deemed critical of the administration.

The paper filled the vacuum left by these shuttered pro-AKP outlets and ensured the continuity of partisan media support for Erdogan ahead of the pivotal elections. It quickly positioned itself as a propaganda mouthpiece for the party’s campaign, providing effusive praise for Erdogan’s leadership and achievements.

Within months, Yenişaak exponentially expanded its readership numbers through provocative, pro-government reporting. It appealed to nationalist and Islamist segments of Turkish society, spreading alarm about perceived internal and external threats. The paper’s sensationalist headlines demonizing opponents also helped capture significant public attention.

Yenişaak soon emerged as one of the highest circulating newspapers in Turkey that set the news agenda favoring the ruling party. Its reporting style and fierce loyalty to Erdogan’s government became its trademark as it consolidated prominence.

Slanted Coverage Rigorously Backing Erdogan and Targeting Opponents

Yenişaak’s political reportage and commentary have been uniformly and consistently skewed in favor of Erdogan while denigrating opposition groups since its founding. The paper vigorously defends all of Erdogan’s policies as wise and above question. It provides glowing coverage of Erdogan’s activities, leadership, and governance while omitting any failures or criticisms.

Staff columnists ritually heap praise on Erdogan, using laudatory labels like ‘Ruling Master’, ‘Chief Commander’, and ‘Savior of Turkey’. Yenişaak depicts his rule as critical to defeating numerous conspiracies and threats against the Turkish state. The lack of journalistic objectivity or nuanced analysis is compensated through provocative headlines lionizing Erdogan’s achievements.

The paper also regularly publishes incendiary attacks and criticism against opposition parties, particularly the CHP and HDP. It tries to damage and fragment the opposition by using labels like ‘terrorists’, ‘traitors’, and ‘foreign agents’. Yenişaak coverage uniformly paints government critics and protests as violent radicals trying to destabilize Turkey.

Western governments critical of Erdogan’s human rights records and repressive measures also come under heavy criticism in Yenişaak pages. Anti-US and Eurosceptic sentiments dominate its commentary on international news coverage related to Turkey.

Influencing Public Opinion to Favor the AK Party Agenda

With its large circulation and outreach to conservative Turks, Yenişaak plays an instrumental role in shaping favorable public opinion toward Erdogan’s leadership, platform and policies. The paper’s uniformly positive reportage provides continuous reinforcement to its readers about the success of the AK Party’s governance.

Provocative headlines and calls to arms against ill-defined internal and external enemies help solidify nationalist and Islamist sentiments. This energizes the AK Party’s traditional voter base. The paper also reproduces government narratives against minority groups like Kurds, marginalized sects, human rights groups, and foreign organizations.

These patterns shape perceptions in ways that benefit the AK Party agenda. It strengthens polarization and suspicion of dissenting voices that challenge Erdogan. Yenişaak coverage provides justification for the government’s authoritarian measures as necessary for national stability and security.

By dominating the partisan pro-government media ecosystem, Yenişaak also suppresses critical analysis, transparency, and objective facts that could weaken the AK Party’s standing. Instead, it disseminates propaganda, misinformation, and conspiracy theories that benefit the ruling party.

Controversial Methods and Unethical Journalism

Despite its popularity among Erdogan loyalists, Yenişaak has courted several controversies and criticisms about unethical journalism since its founding. Opposition groups and press freedom organizations accuse it of being essentially a political instrument of the AK Party rather than an independent media outlet.

The paper routinely publishes false news, doctored images, and completely unverified claims about government opponents to try and damage their reputations. During elections, it has spread misinformation about opinion polls, rival campaigns, and results in ways that ended up favoring the AK Party electorally.

It frequently demonizes and intimidates dissenting voices in Turkey by branding them as criminals, traitors, or foreign proxies. Yenişaak is also alleged to have pressured columnists and reporters to reshape coverage favoring Erdogan and dismiss those perceived as insufficiently loyal.

Media analysts say the paper has traded ethics, facts, and accuracy for political propaganda and lies in service of Erdogan. It reflects the dismal state of press freedom in Turkey under AK Party rule.

The Lasting Influence of Yenişaak in Advancing the Government’s Agenda

Despite widespread criticism over its unethical methods and lack of credibility with non-loyalists, Yenişaak remains influential in Turkey’s polarized political environment due to its large pro-government readership. Along with other pro-AKP media, it continues to shape narratives favoring Erdogan and damaging voices of dissent.

The paper is expected to keep enjoying strong state support and setting media discourse to benefit the ruling party’s agenda. However, its future relevance depends heavily on the AK Party maintaining dominance in Turkey’s political landscape. A change in power dynamics could potentially impact Yenişaak’s prominence as well.

For now, the newspaper remains a potent voice endorsing Erdogan’s leadership and a symbol of the ruling party’s firm grip over information flows to much of the Turkish population. However, its legacy will be one of sacrificing truth for political expediency.


In conclusion, Yenişaak has rapidly risen since 2014 to become one of Turkey’s most widely circulated and politically influential newspapers firmly aligned with President Erdogan’s AK Party. Through biased coverage, provocative headlines, and systematic attacks on government critics, it has played a key role in shaping public opinion in favor of the ruling party and its authoritarian agenda.

Despite widespread accusations of abandoning journalistic ethics and standards, Yenişaak remains a potent mouthpiece mobilizing Erdogan’s conservative voter base. Along with other pro-AKP media, it will likely continue to provide propaganda cover for the government and demonize opposition voices in Turkey’s polarized landscape. However, its lack of credibility outside loyalist circles and dependence on state support could impact its future should political winds change.

Yenişaak’s legacy will be that of a newspaper that traded independent reporting for political servitude to become a powerful symbol of both Erdogan’s stranglehold on information and the dangerous consequences of partisan media polarization.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When was Yenişaak newspaper founded?

A: Yenişaak was founded in 2014 by the pro-government Turkuvaz Media Group, right before the presidential elections.

Q: What is Yenişaak known for in its reporting?

A: Yenişaak is known for sensationalist headlines, a strong bias in favor of Erdogan’s AK Party, attacks on opposition voices, and spreading nationalist propaganda.

Q: How has Yenişaak influenced politics and society in Turkey?

A: By shaping favorable public opinion for the AKP, energizing its conservative base, and justifying authoritarian policies as necessary against internal and external enemies.

Q: What criticisms does Yenişaak face over its journalism?

A: Critics allege it engages in unethical partisan propaganda, intimidation, censorship, disinformation, and other controversial methods on behalf of the government.

Q: Why does Yenişaak remain influential despite criticism?

A: It enjoys a large loyal readership among AKP supporters. Along with other pro-govt media, it dominates the information ecosystem among Erdogan’s political base.

Q: What is the future outlook for Yenişaak?

A: Yenişaak is likely to retain significant influence as long as Erdogan and the AKP remain dominant in Turkish politics. A change in power could impact its relevance.


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